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Manifested Bliss

Former hot girl now fiancée puts her girlfriends to the test to bring a date to her engagement party. Who will find their Prince Charming and who will continue kissing frogs?

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ASHLYN (35), a reformed hot girl, has recently met the man of her dreams unexpectedly and now they are planning their wedding. ASHLYN is all about manifesting the life that you desire and being in a place of stillness and alignment to make that life come to fruition. She used to be the wild one of her group of friends, that was always ready for the turn up. Now she is more of the mild mannered one who wants her girls to find pure bliss in their lives. JADE, 35, is her bestie in the group. ASHLYN and JADE became close during high school and applied to the same college and got in. They’ve had each other’s backs through it all. JADE has very little patience when it comes to men and dating; however, as she is getting older, she wants to put herself out there more, but it’s like she just keeps running into the wrong men. The duo met BRIANA, 34, and STACEY, 36, in their freshman orientation class. BRIANA has been through a lot. She was in an emotionally abusive relationship throughout college to her high school sweetheart and now that she has been free for a while, she needs to be in control of her relationships to feel sane; however, she also wants to settle down and she has a person in mind, but the timing never seems quite right to get what she would need from that relationship. Lastly, STACEY is the divorcee and momma hen in the group. She married young and has now been single for a couple of years. She loved being married and although her divorce hit her by surprise, she is open to remarrying. STACEY is the more cautious one of the group.


The scene opens with the ladies having a mediation session and vision board party. After completing their boards, they say a prayer and visualize where they want their lives to be a year from then. As we go into the current day, which a year later and into ASHLYN’s engagement, the ladies are seen having brunch and catching up. Due to their busy adult lives, they aren’t able to see each other on a weekly basis like they did back in college. During this scene is where ASHLYN puts the ladies to the test to find a date to her engagement party. She and her fiancé NATHEN, 36, decided to make it a couple’s thing because ASHLYN wants to start doing couple activities and she doesn’t want to exclude her girls.


Leading up the engagement party we get a glimpse of JADE, BRIANA, and STACEY as they are out scouting and trying to recruit some potential dates for this engagement party. Will the ladies end up finding their future boo thang? Or will ASHLYN be the only married one in the group?

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