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Love Choices

You’ve poured years of your love into someone who makes your heart race. The excitement was all in the chase.

With them you see possibilities in all that you face, but it’s more of their love you’d like to taste…some confirmation that it’s not all been a waste.

You’re challenged beyond your limit, from them you want a commitment. You wonder how much longer before you feel legit. Hang in there and be strong? Or throw your hands up, cry uncle and say I quit!

The path to my love has been blocked by destruction, pardon the obstruction, reparations to my heart…currently under construction.

The muddy waters need to be made clear. A reflection of myself in all I hold dear. Looking for a safe place in this hemisphere. Jesus take the wheel, I need you to steer.

I see the look on your face, swift has not been this race but I know that I want first place. Nothing compares to God’s grace, his love…you can’t replace.

Echoes of voices wrapped up in love choices. For things to work out my soul rejoices. Water that seed and get what you need. Go get what you want, and choose not to be voiceless.

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