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Shontae Chambers Blends Entrepreneurship, Crystal Healing

Shontae Chambers is a creator, full-time mother and full-time entrepreneur. She specializes in handcrafting healing stones and hair braiding. Ms. Chambers mission is to expand consciousness, which means she has come to help others become the greatest version of themselves.

“I am learning more about myself each day.”-Shontae Chambers

I recently interviewed the rising entrepreneur and spiritualist where she chatted more about her ventures. Check out the interview below.

Growing up and still to this day who are your inspirations? How did they impact your life?

My 4th Grade teacher Mrs. Bettes, taught me almost everything I know about Black History, which has impacted me in the greatest ways! I can still recite poetry I learned by Langston Hughes and many other great artist. She told me I can be anything I wanted to be and today I am transforming into my Greatest Version. She laid down the foundation for myself and my classmates to become great leaders. I have so much love and respect for the culture because of her. Thank you, Mrs. Bettes.

My dad inspired me to become an entrepreneur. I grew up watching him work in the comfort of our home doing what he loves. My dad told me he worked one job as a teen. As long as I’ve been on this planet my dad has never worked for someone and has had very successful music career.

When did you know and realize you were destined to become an entrepreneur?

I knew at the young age of 9, after I had created my very own purse out of a denim skirt and belt that I was bound to be a successful creator. At that point I was sewing every piece of cloth and material I could find, (lol).

I learned how to braid at the age of 10. My dad insisted that my brothers pay me to braid their hair to show their gratitude in return; simultaneously teaching me how to make my own money out of thin air using my skills. Growing up he instilled the importance and reasoning behind entrepreneurship.

You’re a hairstylist that specializes in braiding. How did you learn to braid hair?

My mom taught me to do a basic braid and I also learned other techniques and skills from beauticians around me.

How old were you when you started doing hair professionally?

I’ve been braiding since I was 10, but I started braiding professionally at the age of 21.

You’re also a handcrafted jewelry maker. How did you get into the healings of crystal?

I’ve been drawn to crystals since I was a little girl. I remember my second grade class took a field trip to a rock museum. Later on in life, I started seeing these beautiful stones again and this time I learned that they possess metaphysical healing properties. One day I just decided to wrap my own and I was successful. Now, my focus product are healing stones.

What was the process like deciding that you were going to share your knowledge of crystals and gift of design through business?

The process was very natural for me, everything that I had been doing and learning spiritually tied into this business venture. I am able to incorporate healing and creativity into my business. This is my platform to help awaken the masses to the importance of healing and releasing in order to manifest a fulfilled life. You have to let go of energies that no longer serve you in order to make room for what you truly desire.

Where did the name Kinki Behavior come from for your entrepreneur business feelings?

Kinki Behavior was inspired by the people. I took notice in the lack of self-love and confidence in our community. Kinki Behavior is all about rebelling against societies suggestive self-hate standards. Kinki Behavior simply means being a fearless and naturally confident bad a*% !!

How many different crystals have you worked with?

I have personally done spirit work with 8 stones, but I have a large variety of stones I wrap.

How many different accessories do you currently make and sell?

At this moment I make waist beads, pendants, arm cuffs, chokers and bracelets. In the future I plan on adding rings, head wraps and so much more to the list.

Are there any expos or events we can expect to see you at in the near future?

No, I don’t plan on doing any expos anytime soon. I am focusing on my craft as my dreams are getting bigger.

What great words of wisdom and advice can you offer our readers?

Self-love is vital to living a healthy fulfilled lifestyle. Always remember to put your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health first! Take care of yourselves and do unto others as you’d want them to do on to you. Sending peace and love!

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