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90s R&B Group Member, Tamika Scott, of Xscape Chats on Latest EP

Tamika Scott of Xscape

It’s not out of the norm for group members to release solo projects, especially when they have the support of their fellow bandmates. So it was only in due time when Tamika Scott of XSCAPE would follow suit in her sisters’ footsteps and release her own project.

The Atlanta, Georgia native, College Park to exact, released her EP, Family Affair in December 2019, and she recently released her single from that album called, “Go Outside in the Rain”. With over 25 years in the music business, Mrs. Scott definitely sets the tone and makes her presence known!

Tamika and her husband, Darnel Winston, are the true testament of a family that works together and puts each other first, stays together. Together they are building an empire to create opportunity for others in the entertainment business.

I recently chatted with Tamika where she talked about her latest EP, single, touring with her sisters, and the importance of being with her family, especially in the times that we are in now.

Naomi K. Bonman: Assuming that most of our readers are familiar with you, can you briefly let them know what you have been up to?

Tamika Scott: I am Tamika Scott and most of you know me from the girl group Xscape with my sisters. Right now, I have done my own solo E.P., called Family Affair. And my first single off the E.P., “Go Outside in the Rain”, is available now.

Naomi K. Bonman: Oooo, love that title! So what can we except from that single?

Tamika Scott: It’s about a heartbreak. My whole EP is a living testament of what I have gone through. So, “Go Outside in the Rain”, is about being in a relationship with someone and you’re hurting. You’re not in love anymore and you are in just so much pain, and you know that your friends are laughing at you because you’re still in love with this person and they know that he’s no good. You know that they think you’re a fool, but I’m going to go outside in this rain to despise this pain. The rain is going to disguise the tears that are coming down my face. So I’m going to just go outside to relieve this pain that am in.

Naomi K. Bonman: As women, I know we can all relate for sure. So, how has the journey been from being in a popular girl group to making a solo project of your own?

Tamika Scott: Its been great! Even when the group disbanded back in the 90s, I started acting, writing, writing for Tyler Perry movie soundtracks. I even had a song on the soundtrack called, “The Greatest Gift”, on the Daddy’s Little Girls soundtrack with Idris Elba and Gabrielle Union. So I just comfortably kept going behind the scenes. Doing this project hasn’t been easy because the last two years, I have been on the road with my sisters. Xscape got back together in 2017 and we toured for the last two years and now everyone is doing their own thing. We are still together as a group and Xscape 3 as well, which is my sister, me and Tiny. We’re the BBD of the group. Like the BBD of New Edition, that’s what we call ourselves (laughs). But we are still together.

Naomi K. Bonman: Speaking of touring, do you have any upcoming shows or tours planned for the future? I know it’s so crazy right now, but what’s planned for when this craziness is over?

Tamika Scott: Yeahhh, I know. We actually had a couple of shows as a group, all four of us, that was planned. They postponed the date, so we’re doing that. And I was actually doing the Tom Joyner cruise and they postponed that. So of course everything that they pushed back, we’ll all be back together again and we’ll continue our individual things as well.

Naomi K. Bonman: During this time, what advice can you give to others in the entertainment industry who may be struggling with how to make ends meet or how to keep sane and balanced? What advice would you give to those who may be in panic mode?

Tamika Scott: Don’t panic. Have faith that all this will be over soon. Keep your hands washed, sanitize, stay yo’ butt at home so we can get through his epidemic (laughs) right now, and start connecting with your fans. I’ve been able to go back and read old DMs that I had from my birthday last year and happy new year DMs. I am connecting with all the fans and it’s giving me time to really connect on a personal level with [them].

Naomi K. Bonman: In addition to your music, you are also the CEO and Founder of Brolic Entertainment. What inspired you to launch it?

Tamika Scott: Mmhmm. My husband and I, we formed a label for my daughter, Young Niya, she’s an artist. She’s known as The Princess of the Southhhh. She is the first artist on our label and then me of course is the second artist.

Naomi K. Bonman:What is your guys’ vision for the record label? Where do you see it going in the next 1 to 3 years?

Tamika Scott: I love different music. So Young Niya, she’s a rap artist. I’m an R&B artist. I’ll be looking for a pop artist or band, a country artist or jazz or Gospel artist. I’m looking for it all, not just one general music. It’s going to across the board. I see Brolic Entertainment being a successful company. It’s crazy; my husband, A&R’ed a Tyler Perry project for his movies. His sitcom movies, his soundtracks. So he brought me in. That’s how I was able to write and contribute towards it (Tyler Perry’s projects). So we’re music heads.I started out as a DJ and I started out with Xscape, so we love music—all different types. So I will definitely be looking for different artists.

Naomi K. Bonman:I love that and how you are bridging the gap between different genres, especially in our community. You don’t see that too often from us. So, what is an unknown fact that most probably do not know about Tamika Scott?

Tamika Scott: Ohh, Tamika can cook, babyyy (laughs) I can throw down in the kitchen babyyyy! (laughs)

Naomi K. Bonman:So, what’s your favorite dish to cook or do you like to cook it all?

Tamika Scott: I like to cook it all, but I love seafood! I love Alaskan snow crab and fish and shrimp! I’m cooking it tonight for dinner. Fish and shrimp and hush puppies. I love it! You know, I love eating! As you can tell, I have all these hips and stuff, but yeah (laughs). They probably don’t know that about me.

Naomi K. Bonman:Sounds good! So when you’re not cooking or working, what do you like to do in your spare time? Your ‘me’ time? What do you do to unwind and relax?

Tamika Scott: I think my ‘me’ time is spending time with my family. It’s so relaxing when I’m able to be with all of them. We just have a good time when we’re together. We’re singing, we’re creating, we’re dancing, you know. We’re doing karaoke, we’re cooking or playing pool, air hockey or shooting foosball. We’re just a big, happy family that likes to have fun and I don’t think I’m going to ever grow up! I think I’ll be 80-years old still having a good time! (laughs)

Naomi K. Bonman: So, you’re working on your EP and the single just dropped. What else are you working on?

Tamika Scott: Yes, I’ve been writing a series. I’ll be writing, directing and producing it. I’m working on that now.

Naomi K. Bonman: I’ll definitely look forward to that! So where can people follow you?

Tamika Scott: Okay, well first you can go download and stream my new EP, Family Affair, on Apple Music, Spotify, Pandora,, and you can stay connected with me. My Instagram is @therealtamikascott. My YouTube channel where you can see me throwing down and giving out some family secret recipes, is @therealtamikascott as well. My Facebook is @TamikaScott. My Twitter is @OfficialTScott and you can always go to to keep up with your girl!

Naomi K. Bonman:Any last comments or quotes of inspiration that want to leave our listeners with?

Tamika Scott: First of all, I want to say thank you so much for all your support for supporting the group Xscape as a whole and us individually. And I just want to tell everybody out there to just love yourself. Take care of yourself and pamer yourself because you deserve it.

Naomi K. Bonman:Perfect! Thank you do much Tamika!

Tamika Scott: Thank youuuu!

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