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A Father Everyday: His Black is Beautiful

It shouldn’t require a designated day to honor and celebrate our Black fathers. So often they are mentioned in negative terms with derogatory words, such as dead-beat dads, liars, cheaters and more commonly “baby daddies.”

As quiet as it’s kept, there are Black men, fathers who do not fit the stereotype. They love their sons and daughters, meet their needs and strive to raise them right. Black men who nurture the seeds they plant. Help, respect and bless the women who bare their children.

I took a closer look and observed fathers who danced with their daughters. I watched the “macho man” engaging in love with his toddler son, as his young daughter exploded in joy and laughter.  I was moved by the honor of a young Black father teaching and enlightening his toddler daughter with a morning manta.  She held his gaze and hands as she confidently said, “I’m smart, I’m strong, I’m beautiful, ima be somebody.”

Wait, there was more, a young Black father graduating from college, being the example his child would follow. His daughter shed tears as she embraced him in his cap and gown. I watched in awe as he twirled her around.

As fathers, our Black men have evolved, became smarter, kinder and involved in the lives and development of their children. They are not the tainted image society would have you believe. There are Black kings amongst us, grooming their prince and princesses for the kingdom.

Our Black history is 365!Inspired by Urban dads Facebook and bourgiedads on Instagram.

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