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You know what’s not right, out of mind and out of sight, all the oppressors efforts to extinguish our light, the one-two punch of white rage, and white flight, just taking resources and prosperity from all our “hoods”, since the beginning of time, they’ve been up to no good.

Shoutout to Greenwood Ave, here’s to the ancestors left in unmarked mass graves, furthering their disrespect, don’t even know their names, don’t even feel the shame and on top of that, they said that we were to blame, wanting to stay on top, to them it’s just a game…but all our hopes, dreams and rights…just went up in flames.

Some decades later, they would kill Emmitt Till, a white woman at the center of that too, now c’mon you know the drill. They’re crafty with all their distorted narratives, lynch-mob justice is imperative, stunting the progress of Black man, woman and child…boy it’s really wild, breaking all God’s commandments because they just can’t handle it.

How do you draw the conclusion that we encompass that kind of hate, 100 years later…and things still are not great, looking to you for signs of humanity, well it just might seal our fate, we have to wake up and be smart…before it’s too late.

Black Lives Matter and so did Black Wall Street, it was the perfect example of what we need to compete, we are more than conquerors, we’re the head and not the tail, sowing seeds of division because in all fairness…they’d fail.

We were not just Kings and Queens in Africa, we are royalty here too, Black Wall Street is our Blueprint, we know exactly what to do. So follow the bread crumbs and see all the lessons to pick up, Black pride and Black excellence…now to me that’s what up!

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