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Brandon A. Mashack Teaches Youth the Importance of Fitness

Brandon A. Mashack is the founder of Get Gains or Get Gone LLC, which was launched to serve people through online coaching, one-on-one training and small group training. Their model is, “No Inferiority, No Indecisiveness, No Intimidation”.Unlike the Planet Fitness motto, “Gymtimidation”, Get Gains or Get Gone, knows the potential that they have, so there’s only motivation. In addition to his fitness brand, Mashack also has a production called The Best of Bam LLC, where he produces his “Bshack’s Exercise Book for Kids” volumes, does graphic design, social media managing, and Facebook/Instagram ad services.

I recently interviewed the fitness guru and entrepreneur where he chatted more on his brands. Check out the interview below:

Growing up and still to this day, who are your inspirations? How did they impact your life?

In terms of being God fearing man, my Dad, Baron Mashack of course and my Grandfather, Aaron Mashack. My mother and grandmother  Denise and Marian Mashack, as well.In the Art realm my main inspiration is Fahamu Pecou, my cousin. He’s become one of Atlanta’s biggest visual artists and allowed me to work for him back in 8th grade (2007/8ish) to learn.

When did you realize you had a passion for business and wanted to be a entrepreneur?

When I first started to get into graphic design while working with Fahamu in 2007, I decided to start taking clients to make extra money. I also did yard work for neighbors to make extra money. I was in 8th grade going to the 9th; I guess you can say the hustles started there.

What influenced you to take up personal training as a career?

My passion for fitness started when I first decided to lose weight in 2012 while living in Florida, the half naked lifestyle state; through the year I made a crazy transformation so people started asking me for advice. I gained the passion to help others achieve their transformation and started personal training in 2014 with Snapfitness Miramar.

How has personal training and working out changed/molded your life?It’s been a very fulfilling journey. It’s something I look at as an Art, the human body being the most beautiful creation. As a matured Health and Fitness Coach, I realize we have one of the most important professions on the planet. We keep people healthy and out the hospital, transform lives, and provide long lasting education that will allow people to have longevity. It’s a profession that’s caused me to want to be BETTER, but not just for myself… FOR other people so they can see the potential in themselves.

With your base established as a personal trainer you decided to branch out and write two children’s exercise books, what brought this venture into perspective?

Well, Personal Training isn’t my base; being an artist is. My love for art fuels my passion for fitness because I look at the human body as God’s most beautiful creation, so why not take care of it?Fast forward to 2017 as a matured Health and Fitness Coach, I realized that most adults will continue to struggle with establishing the health and fitness habits if they didn’t grow with that same education and passion from a young age, so strategically I decided to combine my Artistic skills and Fitness know how and created “Bshack’s Exercise Book for Kids”, a 4 volume series geared towards teaching exercise and nutrition to kids while spreading cultural diversity.

Your B Shack’s Exercise Book for kids series is a breakthrough in the children’s book field, can you tell us a little about the books?

“Bshack’s Exercise Book for Kids”, is a 4 volume series geared towards teaching exercise and nutrition to kids while spreading cultural diversity. Volume 1 features Aida, and Ethiopian princess where her and Bshack (the animated me) teach Warming Up & Stretching. Volume 2 features Ake, a chief to be from the Native Sioux Tribe In Standing Rock, North Dakota. There they learn Core.I send 23 percent of sales to the tribe to help with there pipe bursting plight. Volume 3, which I’m working on now for a June release will feature Riah, a Muslim Turkish from the Middle East. She’ll teach lower body and I’m thinking she’ll be someone who saves refugees or something… to combat that “terrorist” stereotype. Volume 4 will have a Mexican Boy to teach upper body and will come with a Bonus 5th Volume that teaches nutrition. I’ll have maybe twins, one with a disability or something. Volumes are on for signed copies, as well as amazon, kindle, iBooks, and Barnes & Noble.

Also you’re a Cobb County School District youth mentor, what are some of the key points and fundamentals you try to teach the children?

I use my artist and fitness know how to inspire them. I use every career I navigate to expose and Inspire them. With my current 5 boys, we are concentrating on self control mostly since they have aggression struggles in school. We exercise, meditate, discuss our week experiences, and various subjects to build their character.

How has youth mentoring impacted and made your life more well rounded?

Well for one, preparing me for Kids.. hahah, but it’s so fulfilling. You learn a good amount about yourself when working with kids as well. I definitely became a better planner and more patient. I worked at the Boys and Girls Club, A.W. Matthews as an art teacher for a while last year and I HAD to start meditating to keep my head on.

As a young entrepreneur you’re coming out with your own clothing/fitness line Get Gains or Get Gone, how did you come up with the saying and stamp it as your own?

In 2013, I first coined the phrase “Get Gains Or Get Gone” as a command to your own mind to go for it all or nothing at all, spreading the hashtag through IG and FB. I made it because Planet Fitnesses “Gymtimidation” Wave was spreading and I feel like PF is preying on the insecurities of people to sell memberships, offering pizza, cookies, candy to people already struggling with temptation; also the contraction “No Judgement Zone” phrase irritated me because how they judge “Lunks”, people serious about their fitness.I thought it was important to come up with a Brand that rivals that message because it’s really selling to people and more gyms are starting to model after PF. We have to keep the standard high as America is already way behind other counties in health/ fitness. Get Gains Or Get Gone Family don’t get intimated because we SEE the potential within ourselves to KEEP motivated! It’s a mindset!

What are some upcoming events, dates, and products can we be on the lookout for?

Look out for Volume 3 of Bshack’s Exercise Book for a June release. Also keep eyes on as I’m adding more custom products.Look out for events with “Results Central” (IG: resultscentral) gym in Decatur as I’m currently planning Kids events with Maurice Gatson, my business partner.Look out for Get Gains or Get Gone partnering with Prosper Long (IG: prosperlongnow) (John Applewhite), where we will be reaching millions to make health & fitness a lifestyle.

Is there any great words of wisdom and advice you would like to offer our readers?

Be a PURPOSE driven individual; that’s what fuels my passion. I get my purpose from God and reading the Bible, wanting to fulfill the reason why i was created. We are all put on this planet to serve someone else in some way, whether it’s one person or many during your life time.. and to fulfill that purpose, pay attention to the 3 healths so you can be at your best, in this order: Spiritual Health, Mental Health, Physical Health. Be blessed ✊?

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