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Shattered like glass, heart broken into pieces. Can someone help me out, need to find a way to beat this. Filled with pain and self-doubt, mouth open…no sound comes out! If someone bumps into MERCY let her know to shout me out!

They say you can’t choose your family but did your family choose you? Disheartened when I think about the things that they do. Do they know that your soul still cries, after they’ve told all their lies? Let me know if you see HOPE, I heard God justifies!

They say they love you but do they really? Searching for answers, seems kinda silly. Opposites attract but do they also attack? My younger self just might need a smack or maybe it’s a hug! Was always looking for someone to love. Your efforts, they go unnoticed. Distraction and deflection, is how they lose their focus. Your needs feel unsupported….another love story aborted! My footsteps can be traced by GRACE….I need her help to run this race!

The other day SELF-LOVE paid me a visit. We talked for a long long time, it was simply exquisite! She said my inner-beauty was unparalleled by none and told me to continue on, until victory is won. She mentioned that I had a purpose, on my life was placed a call.

She spoke of all my past hurts and disappointments…damn she recalled them all!

She told me that I could not quit for my story was not over and then she placed both hands with love upon my shoulder. She said that MERCY, GRACE and HOPE…they all heard my cries, she looked me straight in the eyes, her compassion took me by surprise and she reminded me that within myself…is where love truly lies.

I was once a complete and total mess. Truly I saw no end to my brokenness! SELF-LOVE came along, helping me to feel strong. She made me feel that here was where I belong. She came into my life and she saved the day and now I feel happy, she’s convinced me to stay!

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