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Cameron Young, Chats How He Differentiates IDUUL Clothing Brand

The fashion industry is forever evolving and changing, but constantly growing. With the rapid growth of the industry, it is critical for brands to stand out, but to still keep their authenticity and originality. Most don’t stay true being authentic because they try to keep up. This way Cameron Young created his ‘IDUUL’ brand.

Cameron seen the lack of authenticity and originality so he decided to fill in that gap while making his line affordable. I recently interviewed the young fashion designer and entrepreneur where talked more about his brand and passion.

Can you tell the readers and I a little about yourself?

My name is Cameron Young and I’m the truest Libra you will ever meet. I was born and raised in Jacksonville, FL by two amazing people, my parents, Sherri Young and Michael Young.

Growing up in a Christian household, God has always been a forefront and priority in my life. I was raised around a very charismatic and religious family, which is why I’m just as much inappropriate as I am ethical and religious.

I have an infatuation with music, which is why at a the young age of 8 I taught myself how to play the drums in the church and been in love with the instrument ever since. I am just a fun, free spirited person who likes to motivate others and spread peace, love and happiness. Not to sound cliche of course. 

Growing up and still to this day who are your inspirations and how did they impact your life?

My influences growing up were very vast. Not to leave anyone out, but a few notable names that come to mind are Kanye, Diddy, Drake, Jay-Z Rev Run, Russell Simmons, Anthony Bourdain, Guy Fieri, Bill Gates, and many, many, more.

I find inspiration in everyone I meet. I feel as though everyone in this world influences someone, regardless if the person gets notoriety or not, that persons’ presence brought comfort to someone else.

These names impacted my life because they are all gifted in their respective industries and they all hold themselves to a high standard and possess a unique drive that set a bar for me. 

At what critical point in you life did you realize you had a passion for fashion and social consciousness?

Since birth my mom would always keep me in a fresh outfit, whether it was from the consignment or a department store, my closet was plentiful with all types of threads. Since I can remember I always enjoyed trying out looks and stepping out of the box when it comes to the outfit/look I put together.

I would say the social consciousness came later in life once I started holding myself more accountable for my actions and the way I come to decisions. I just want to spread messages that will help get individuals out of their toxic habits that hinder personal growth.

What particular event, situation, or thought inspired you to create your clothing company IDUUL?

I’ve worked every job you can think of, from Five Guys to Fidelity Investments. I just noticed a trend that I was very depressed working for someone. In my mind when you work for someone you are keeping their dream alive instead of chasing your own.

The effort I was putting into getting up every day, to be stuck in traffic and forced to be somewhere for a particular amount of time, I could have been exerting my energy into my passion which has been fashion since I was born. My mother made the decision for me indirectly to fall in love with fashion and pursue a career in a brand by always keeping my closet full with stuff lol. 

Can you tell us the meaning behind your brand name and the objective of the brand?

IDUUL stands for Individuals Determined Under Unique Limitations and the objective of the brand is to provide individuals with high quality unique materials and designs that have a purpose instead of plastering random images, words and graphics that have no relatable meaning and charging an absurd amount of money for an item that cost 1/10th of the retail cost. I just want to be different.

How many different designs and products does your brand currently sale?

I make something new everyday, so there’s no telling how many designs I have in the archive, but currently I have 15 products for sale ranging from hoodies, tees, headwear and accessories.

What are your top 5 designs?

I don’t have a top 5; every design I come out with is like my baby. They all take a while and are meticulously designed with individual, undivided attention.

What are some upcoming release dates and events we can look forward to seeing from you?

No release dates set, but clothes will release in a timely manner throughout the seasons. I have to analyze the vibe of the season before I design anything. I will be attending the Vault Conference powered by Steve Harvey in Los Angeles, California May 17th-19th, and on June 30th at Jax Beach I will be a vendor at the 1st Annual 904 Pop Up Show. 

What great advice and words of wisdom would you like to share with millennials and like minded entrepreneurs?

Do what you love, love what you do. Make decisions that will make you truly happy and benefit the well-being of the loved ones around you.

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