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Crushed Grapes

My father, he showed me no love but like a fool I put him above…everything that ever made sense, was always willing to give him a second and third chance. Still wonder what I could’ve done to fit in, my spirit crushed deep within, how come I couldn’t get no love from him?

They say that where your treasure is, there will your heart be also but one thing I didn’t know…is that “they” would hit so low…below the belt, tremors still being felt, a crushing blow I was dealt. Needed some time with the most divine, so on my knees I knelt.

Never thought I would recover but soon I would discover that like a grape I was being “crushed”, in God, I’ll never lose trust. He can see the sunshine through the rain, I know I’m not same because of the pain. But the injuries that I sustained, only help me to maintain…strength at my very core, never walked this path before, for me there’s an open door.

Like grapes that are crushed to make fine wine, I know it’s my time, God wants me to shine. There’s a method to His “madness”, joy will come out of this sadness. Pressured like grapes so that my purpose would be squeezed out of me. Sometimes God does that so that you can clearly see, the direction that He needs you to go in. Your purpose is just round the bend, in Jesus we all have a friend. It helps if you can comprehend how He draws out of you, what you’ve been holding in.

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