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CultureFit Provides Fitness Apparel for Women of Color

As women of color, particularly Black and Hispanic women, our bodies are shaped differently than women of other ethnicities. Therefore, we have difficulties in finding clothing that fits our bodies the way that we need them to, especially when it comes to fitness apparel. This where lifestyle line, CultureFit comes to play.

When I came across CultureFit’s Instagram page, I instantly loved the idea. I loved the idea for one because sometimes a lot of our leggings will be one size fits all, but they still fit me tight. For example, I love the Lula Roe’s leggings because they are comfy to lounge around in, but when it comes to working out, they are just a bit too snug.

After coming across CultureFit, I had to know who was behind the brand and what the inspiration was in creating it.

Who are the faces behind CultureFit? Can you give a brief bio of each person?

CultureFit is founded by a group of West African women from various industries. They choose to be anonymous for now for the sake of focusing on the communal aspect of CultureFit. 

What inspired you to create CultureFit?

We were searching for connection — with our culture. With ourselves. With the world.

Unfortunately, when it came to activewear, there wasn’t much in the way of complexity or connection. We felt there needed to be a place where wellness, womanhood and global consciousness intersected with comfort, body positivity, and the pursuit of a healthy, active lifestyle. CultureFit was born out of that need.

What was the process like in launching CultureFit? Is everything made and shipped in-house or do you guys have a manufacturer and/or drop-ship company?

We wanted to create high-quality, high-performance activewear that looked and felt amazing, in designs that showcased our culture.

We started with traditional West African prints, because that’s what we personally feel most connected to. Then we reimagined them in bright, feminine colors that felt truer to our personal style and modern taste. And while the founders of CultureFit are of West African descent, our team members are from all over the world, working together. We worked with a manufacturer but we ship all of our products in-house. 

4.What are some of your top designs?

Why is it crucial for women of color to stay fit?

Because when a woman’s body truly connects with who she is inside, something happens. She remembers her strength. Her body and mind move as one. Fitness is important because it grants us this awareness.

What are some of the goals that you would like to accomplish for CultureFit?

We want women of all backgrounds to enjoy our clothes. To celebrate not only our culture, but to embrace  all the different cultures of the world. We want our customers to stand in their true power. We want them to know they can shape their world.

Advice for those who want to get into the apparel industry?

Collaboration is key. Choose to create from a place of freedom. A non-judgment zone. Make apparel for more than the clothes. 

8. Where can people find you guys (social wise, website, etc)? 

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