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Deyanna Denyse Speaks Out Against Racial Injustices

I applaud you if you have spoken your truth to the masses fearlessly. I applaud you if you have shown up on the front lines, protesting for what you believe is right, I applaud you if you have led your community, your group of friends and your family out of darkness in any way, I applaud you because that takes a lot of courage and sacrifice and selflessness to do. You are seen and you are heard; that energy is felt, it can move mountains and that power that you hold comes with responsibility. It comes with accepting the fight; accepting what it is and accepting what has to happen and what it takes to get there.

My good friend, Evan, asked me to come and share my thoughts and honestly when he first asked me to identify what my thoughts and emotions were regarding the things that were unfolding in this world; to be truthful I have not attachment to any emotional state as of now. I have absolute clarity and contentment to the things that are unfolding. Am I outraged? Of course. Am I upset? Damn right! Am I a little afraid? Some days. However, overall, I have a sense of peace. As a collective it is important for us to acknowledge how we are feeling, and our feelings and emotions drive our purpose. Check in with yourself; ask yourself those questions. How have my emotions narrated my purpose? Check in with those answers and acknowledge where they lead you. Take those answers and that clarity and allow it to fuel you.

I cannot sit here and tell you what you should do tomorrow; or how the country should move forward next year or where I see things in the next few months, because energy is forever changing. I know that at the drop of a dime everything can change; in a split second a life can, be gone again. With me knowing this, I advise anyone listening to this video to be mindful of your attachments and strengthen your connection to source; to God, connect to that power. Use that power to see clearly in your pursuit to victory. I have faith that the revolution is among us. I have faith that everything will happen the way that it is supposed to happen. I do believe that it is why I have this sense of peace in my heart and in my soul.

I also advise to have a sense of balance. When you are protesting you are operating in your lower chakras of course and it is important, especially now to allow that energy to rise through you. Speak through your heart center. I understand where you are, and I understand where you are coming from. I understand personally what it feels like and I do know that a clear heart and mind can get you far in life. When you are facing evil; mirroring evil back to an evil face is not the answer. I am a peaceful warrior but a fearless one. Sometimes we must bite the bullet and speak our truth no matter how hard it is to hear. It is not your duty to season the truth.

I advise that you give it to them raw…from the heart. Truth will always set you free. Truth always comes to light; embody truth and love and strengthen your connection while releasing your attachments. That is the best advice that I can give right now.

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