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Dr. Joe Johnson Helps People Learn How to Tap into & Find Purpose

Take this. You dream of working at “X” company with X” person who is known to the best in the industry. However, when you finally land that dream role you are still not fulfilled. Yes you may make great money, but you still fill empty. This is because you are not living out your purpose.

This is what Dr. Joe Johnson, speaker and peak performance coach, teaches his cliental. He shows them how to tap into their purpose and how to live a purposeful life.

“Purpose is that feeling. It just feels right,” Dr. Joe Johnson explains.

Dr. Johnson was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin but has lived in several places during his childhood including Hawaii and New York. He considers Milwaukee, AKA: “The Mil” his hometown because of the family ties. He understands the meaning of struggle but has lived with a mentality instilled in him by his mother, ” I can do and be anything I want in life”.

Johnson learned the value of education from both parents but as he began his love for sports at an early age, his focus with competing on the football field and basketball court caused him to develop a “who cares” attitude toward his education. Growing up in the inner-city of Milwaukee allowed for Johnson to almost fall victim to what many young males were doing in his neighborhood.

Sports was his key out of a city where many Black and Hispanic males were often victims of gang violence and self destruction. Johnson soon learned the power of competing in the classroom, the same way he competed in sports. With his new found attitude and focus, he began to excel academically after being accepted into a Master’s program. Johnson soon founded to love learning and realized his purpose was transforming the lives of individuals and the culture of organizations allowing through speaking, training, and peak performance coaching.

As a proud graduate of Milwaukee Bay View high school, Johnson holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business from Saginaw Valley State University and a Master’s degree in Counselor Education from Western Michigan University, and a PhD in Counselor Education from the University of Florida, over 20 years of experience working with individuals and organizations, and is ready to take on the world!

Now that you guys know a little about Dr. Joe Johnson, tune into the interview below where he chatted on purpose!

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