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Female Sexuality

We as women have grown from being codependent, reserved, modest and shy. We have blossomed and become overtly independent beings, enabled to take care of ourselves, our families and our own needs, with or without a man if need be. 

Still there are those of us, who have settled for less, the man who cannot or is unwilling to fulfill any other need beyond the sheets.  Treasured character traits in a mate like companionship, conversation and intimacy are rare. In my opinion, if all you have to offer me is an orgasm and your limited time, that’s the equivalent to a vibrator.

Ironically, the very first vibrator was created in the 1800s by….  drum roll a man!  Dr. J Mortimer Granville. Coincidentally, it was created to provide treatment to a common disorder in female patients called hysteria.  The symptoms of this illness were ongoing anxiety, irritability, and a bloated stomach. Sounds like PMS in todays society. The treatment was pelvic massage which resulted in what we know today as an orgasm. This was routine and commonly performed by doctors. Supposedly it was tedious and laboring work, so the vibrator was created as a surgical instrument to bring ease to the job, following this amazing invention women had to have it for their personal use outside of the office, enabling us the ability to self-pleasure ourselves. 

Ladies, don’t settle for the joker just for pleasure and put up with the pain, be free to explore your sensuality and fulfill your own desires, while waiting for the “right” man who is ready, willing and able to give you more than an orgasm.

I please me, give myself the glow and release the tension and the feel-good endorphins that beat depression anxiety and stress. I have faced more stresses and drama behind sex with emotionally and mentally unavailable guys. I quickly realized I have no time for that. You can lose your heart and mind, getting caught up in the moan.

One of the best vibrators on the market, is Paloqueth. This style has many levels of vibration giving maximum pleasure, can be used in different ways, and the battery is rechargeable. I give this one five stars, it’s efficient and gets the job done according to the time that you have.

The rabbit was a fan favorite because it was used on the hit HBO series “Sex in the city.” In my opinion, it’s good, but not the best, the bullet doesn’t make the cut.  If you have a powerful sex drive, you need a powerful vibrator. Try different ones, until you find what works best for you. As the SUPERFLY song sings, “Ain’t no shame in my game.”

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