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Filmmaker Faye Berica Robinson Creates Doc-series

Out of the doc-series and reality shows out there, there are not very many, if any at all, that really showcase the every day life of entrepreneurs of color. Although Hustle in Brooklyn recently debuted, it is still not a doc-series and falls in line with the other drama shows of “reality tv“. However, one young woman is changing the game. Faye Berica Robinson is the founder of The Thread.

The Thread is a doc-series that showcases the REALITY of entrepreneurs of color. It is a much needed series in our community. I recently interviewed Ms. Robinson where she chatted about the show and her team, but before we get into the interview there is a small tidbit that you should know about this rising filmmaker and #BossBabe. Ms. Faye is a woman of color and  extraordinary intellect who is expanding her horizons and our minds. She is revolutionizing the documentary film industry to represent her ethnicity. These are her words in summary.

Christy Angelette: Can you tell me and the readers about yourself?

Faye Berica Robinson: This may sound cliché, but I’m regular girl who has a relationship deeply rooted in Jesus Christ.  I saw a need and went for it full forcefully.

Christy: Who are your role models and how have they impacted your life?

Faye: Alice Velma, who is renown in communications media and entertainment affiliations. We met coincidentally at a conference. She saw a light within me, took me under her wing and illuminated it, personally and professionally.  She was part of my personal thread of connection. Mara Brock Akil is my soror and an it’s an inspiration to see her work play out on the OWN network “Love Is__.”   Ava Duvernay, going from a publicist to a director is amazing and I can relate to that. We are aligned and to see people like that go after it and do it is incredible. The film giants and entrepreneurs, that represent other options for obtaining success inspired me also.

Christy: When did you realize you had a passion for film?

Faye: While working on my MBA and figuring out a business idea for entrepreneurship and innovation, I discovered the lack of representation of people of color, and in doing so ignited my purpose.

Christy: How did you initially get into the film industry?

Faye: My professor, Dr. John Hannon, went to film school at UCLA and gave me the push that propelled me to take the leap of faith that started a chain reaction and the “Thread Connection” One relationship opening the door to another.

Christy: What lessons have you learned about yourself and your staff working on this project?

Faye: The importance of believing in myself and stepping out of my comfort zone and the power in the connection of others. My staff showed me how people can come together for a common cause and effectively work together. They supported me and worked wholeheartedly around the clock with little to no pay.  I have learned that the smallest act of kindness can make a profound difference.

Christy: Can you tell us about The Thread film and when it will be released?

Faye: It was a curriculum, then it became a thread film, and back to a documentary series it’s about the connection. The name came about, because a friend connected me to and entrepreneur in the black community, who connected me to another and so on. That one relationship opened the door to many others. It was literally a thread connection. The first episode airs on Sunday, November 4.

Christy: What great wisdom or advice can you offer the readers?

Faye: Be willing to take risk and step out of your comfort zone to walk the road of success. Show kindness to people along the way.

Christy: As a Black woman embarking on your journey of success, what advice can you give to other Black women who want to step out and do something different?

Faye: Believe in yourself and what you stand for. Be bold enough to take a chance on receiving the yes or the no. Send the email, go to the meeting, attend the conference. In summary, each decision you make empowers another, it’s literally “A Thread Connection”.

Follow Faye and The Thread

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