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When you look into the mirror, tell me what is it that you see? Is the reflection that you see shrouded in negativity?

Do you criticize your eyes or the thickness of your thighs, the fullness of your lips or the curve of your hips?

When we look at one another, what thoughts does it uncover? So quick to judge someone else, but what does that say about ourselves?

We’re quick to pick apart some things, they say truth hurts, I think it stings. Are we looking for healing, restoration and all that it brings or will we just continue to keep compromising?

What if we could discover, a deep love for ourselves and one another, to look at each other like a sister or a brother?

We are apart of the same broken community looking for healing. I need to see you and you need to see me.

So far our placement in this world has gone disastrously. We can’t just let this be!

Perfection is far from reality. We are tossed and driven just like the sea, life ebbs and flows constantly, I know it’s not just me…come on people, can’t you see?

The beauty is in our imperfection, a natural selection of a beautifully tinted complexion. Often duplicated but never replicated…we are the cats meow and that’s no overstatement.

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