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Mont’e Millions, Chats on #TOGETHERATHOME Virtual Concert

Mont'e Millons

Atlanta, Georgia artist, Mont’e Millions decided to do a virtual concert while benefiting Georgia healthcare workers and first responders. The #TOGETHERATHOME will live stream on Sunday, April 19 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m./EST. If you miss the concert, I’m sure you can catch a replay via social media.

The concert is Mont’e’s part to increase the morale and encourage Atlanta area residents to #StayHome in an effort to decrease the spread of coronavirus. All proceeds from the download of his latest single, “Sally”, will go towards Georgia health professionals. During the concert at his Winder, Georgia ranch, his beloved horse Sally will be right by his side. Viewers will be able to support Mont’e’s GIVE BACK efforts by making donations via CashApp, Venmo, PayPal and/or Zelle during the live event. All contributions will be tallied, announced and acknowledged.

I recently interviewed the Miami native where he chatted more on the concert, the virus and his next projects. Listen to the interview above or read below, if you’re more of a reader.

Naomi K. Bonman: Good afternoon Mont’e. Thank you for taking a few minutes out of your day to speak with me. So for those who may be unfamiliar with you, can you give them a brief elevator pitch of who Mont’e is?

Mont’e Millions: My name is Mont’e Millions and I have a project that came out on April 10 called, “Sally”. You can get it on all digital platforms, Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music. On April 19th, we’re having a livestream that benefits men and women on the front line helping people with this Corona via COVID19. That will be from 2 to 4 p.m. They can join me livestream. It’s called #TOGETHERATHOME. That’s what we’re doing right now.

Naomi K. Bonman: Perfect! So what can we except from the livestream? What all will be going on?

Mont’e Millions: It’s going to be and Sally. I’m going to be performing some songs that will be on my album that will be released in June or July, we’re not sure of the exact date, but it will be about June or July. I’m going to be talking about the importance of staying at home of course, the quarantine, also asking people if they would like to donate to donate that we’re able to give back to the healthcare workers and those on the frontlines with first responders. I’ll be giving people a chance to get to know me, who I am, what inspired me to do music, and to just encourage people to go after their dreams.

Naomi K. Bonman: Oh, awesome! So it’ll have a personal touch to it as well. So with Sally, I think it is really unique that you have a horse to compliment you in your career and music. So what inspired you to have a horse verses a dog or another type of popular pet? Were you raised around horses or just always had a passion for them?

Mont’e Millions: Actually my uncle he owns 900 cows on his ranch. As a little boy, he used to bring me out with him and see about the cows when he go heard them. So he was like my favorite uncle. As I got older, I always wanted to buy a horse, so I ended up getting 10 horses and then I downsized to two. So I kept Sally, the other one’s name is Tank. One day I walked into the studio about four or five months ago and my producers said that that they had a Country, R&B song and that I was going to like it. So I sat down and wrote it and as we began to write he said that he saw me in a Ferrari with a horse symbol on the back.

So I was like, “Okay, well, then let’s write about this”, and we started writing about Sally, and the song basically just talked about the transition from the city to the country, of course I’m from Miami, we’re right now in Georgia. During that transition it is about the highs and the lows but still seeing the beauty of life through all of it. That’s basically what the song is all about; staying great, seeing the goodness even in the negativity.

We weren’t going to release the song as a single, but it just so happened that the song was meant to be a single and it happened to be during this time of the pandemic. Sally actually means to overcome evil or from opposition, so of course we’re in this pandemic right now and a lot of things are happening so I know that we are going to overcome.

Naomi K. Bonman: Yes, it most definitely is perfect timing! I didn’t know that Sally meant that either, so cool. What can we except from your EP that’s going to be released this summer?

Mont’e Millions: There will be different genres of music from Hip Hop, R&B, Country…you got a little R&B Gospel; it’s just something for everybody. I don’t count myself as just an R&B singer or Country singer, whatever I feel at that time, that’s what I do and whatever I need to become to reach an individual that’s what I’ll become in order to empower and encourage them.

Naomi K. Bonman: Okay cool, so would you sat that is what makes you different as an artist?

Mont’e Millions: I would say just my authenticity, who I am. There can never be another me, my personality, what I like, what I embrace, who I am. Whether person liked it or not, I am who I am. I’m just a city boy. I love the country. I love horses, animals, I love people. I love to love. So that’s just who I am.

Naomi K. Bonman: What advice ca you give to artists and entertainers out there who may be having a hard time with COVID19 right now? What is your advice to those who feel they are just at a pause and may not know how to cope with everything right now?

Mont’e Millions: I would say that they need to revamp, restrategize the job and don’t go with what they have set in their mind, but adjust their minds to what needs to be done in order for their music to make an impact into somebody’s life. A lot of people are holding their music back right now because they’re like, “Well, I’m not going to able to tour”, but me personally, I would release my music and reach people on all different social media platforms and then after the quarantine they can move forward with different events.

Me, I’m not thinking about the money, I’m thinking more so about reaching people and once you reach a person’s heart whether you have a hit record or not, they’re always going to play you in their home. They’re always going to play you in their car because you reached them in such a time like this.

Naomi K. Bonman: I agree, it’s ver important to touch and reach that person’s heart. It makes things more personal.

Mont’e Millions: Yeah…

Naomi K. Bonman: So, what is one unknown, fun fact, that most probably do not know about you?

Mont’e Millions: (laughs) That whatever I touch turns to gold! (laughs)

Naomi K. Bonman: What’s next for you after the livestream and after you drop your EP this summer?

Mont’e Millions: We’re going to hit the road and begin to tour and travel ad network; empower people, encourage people, reach the young people, the youth, the generation that is coming behind us. We’ll also host seminars to teach people about music, the importance of music. That’s where we’re headed right now.

Naomi K. Bonman: What else would you like to lave the audience with?

Mont’e Millions: They should know that they’ll be inspired, encouraged, and they’ll dream bigger and better once they follow me on any social media platform or even the April 19 livestream concert.

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