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My Biggest Enemy is My Inner Me

No more jumping through hoops like I’m in some damn circus, just to be pushed around and treated like I am worthless and that’s not even them, it was actually me, because my biggest enemy is my inner me.

You ever look in the mirror and don’t like what you see, oh I’ve been there before…it happens constantly. Beat myself up, I’m always my worst critic, if you’re feeling my words, let me know that dig it.

I’ve hit the ground so low and thought I’d never get up, but despite these darkest hours…I won’t give up. Spoken words of defeat, on these words…I’ve filled up, but I’m bout to pass this plate…cuz I’ve had enough.

One by one, people drop from my circle…asking, “did I do that”…soundin like that boy Urkel…family matters, I have to keep myself strong… to ignore all the chatter.

At the end of the day, I take these losses for wins, knowing God lights my path and now my life can begin.It’s not too much to ask to be treated kindly, so much love we give to others and we do so blindly. Turning pain into purpose, restoration is key, because my biggest enemy, is my inner me.

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