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OnTheGoBoss Founder, Janee Howard, Promotes Culture Among Reading

Reading is very fundamental for our children, especially at a young age. However, not only should we be incorporating a good book into our children’s lives, but we should also ensure that they have culture outside of their own. This is what OnTheGoBoss founder, Janee Howard, is doing with her upcoming book series, “Jay’s Adventures”.

“I will be producing a series of educational, yet fun to read books dedicated to the African American community, in particular young African American boys,” Howard explains. “We have decided to go the self publishing route because we didn’t want to change our messages, or character designs to “be more appealing to the masses”, as we were told by many large publishing companies.”

The characters in Howard’s book series, features a young black male (which represents her son), embarking on travel adventures as he learns while immersed in the cultures he is surrounded by.

I recently interviewed Howard where she discussed the inspiration behind the series, her launch campaign and her overall goal for the series.

To support the campaign, click here

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