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Pandemic Blues

My heart aches when I think about you,

fellow Americans and citizens of this world.

The Lives forever impacted by the virus and loved ones gone too soon.

Life altered, socially distant, locked in to flatten the curb.

Monetary gain has not eased the pain.

Collectively we feel the loss this COVID-creation has cost.

Americans, Australians, and Europeans standing on the front line of this fight.

I feel you too.

Something as small as enforcing laws of wearing mask is the gateway to controlling us and taking away all our rights,

whether we are black, rich, rainbow, or white.

People are becoming slaves in various ways to the ideology they are told to think.

The constitution is being edited without the ink, right before our eyes.

We the People, have a purpose upon awakening in this fight,

for our souls and everyday way of life.

Which one Will you serve the darkness or the light?

History has shown us,

political defiance leads to discrimination and prosecution.

Complying with a lie will give you the new version of freedom,

the optical illusion of choice;

while creating a false fantasy amongst the suffering of many.

Satan has been busy building his version of Eden,

waging war against believers, ethics, morality, and Christians.

Politics is his army and science has become the weapon wielded;

we the people must come together and abandon both sides of the divide.

The democracy of our country is almost dead,

time to awaken from the slumber in your head.

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