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Rick Greene Overcomes Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Trying to overcome any addiction is difficult. Most of the time it is difficult because of the person’s mindset and will power. For one, the person has to want to come out of that addiction. This usually occurs when the person hits rock bottom in some sort of fashion.

Author and Cincinnati native Rick Greene was that person. During his teenage years is when he started getting into drugs and alcohol. Over the next 15 years, Rick went into a dark hole that was overtaking his spirit. Then came a summer day in June 1998 when he feels to his knees asking God for cleaning his tongue, of all alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes, he did.

Over the last 20 years celebrating sobriety, living on the west side of Cincinnati with his wife, Stephanie of 16 years and two young sons Jermaine and Ricky, Rick also has four adult sons. He is now devout Christian. He and his family are involved with their church family and their community. Rick is published author of three books “A God Story Freedom from Addiction” and children’s book “Dreamtime”, a collection of poems entitled; “Spiritwork Poetry” (2018).

Currently, Greene’s story is a screenplay and he is seeking an agent or producer. Serious inquires can call his publicist for more information. Her number is towards the end of the interview.

I recently interviewed Mr. Green where chatted on his testimony and how his kidney donation to Marvin Gaye III.

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