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Robert D. Watts Gives Inspiration to Community through Media

Robert D. Watts

Our Nation is going through very traumatic and intense times right now. You can’t watch the news or scroll through your news feed without hearing about new cases or deaths regarding COVID19. And now for many in the Black community, it’s starting to hit close to home with more and more of us knowing someone who was or is currently infected. At this point, we just need some light in the darkness.

Actor, Author, and model Robert D. Watts’ purpose in life was to do just that. Give people inspiration through entertainment.

Without our entertainers, we probably would not know how to make through this pandemic.Mr. Watts hails from Hattiesburg, Mississippi. From an early age he knew that his involvement and reason for being was to inspire and entertain.

“I began with participating in childhood plays presented by my local church and elementary school,” he states.

Watts is no stranger to hard work and extra curricular activities. Performing in front of large audiences was something he enjoyed regularly, even at an early age. He was also a member of his high school show choir, as well which accredited him with minor theater experience.I recently interviewed Robert where he chatted more on his goals and vision for life.

Huey X: Growing up and still to this day, who are your mentors/inspirations? How did they impact your life?

Robert D. Watts: Growing up was a special time for me. I was most inspired by my mother’s relentless love and care for people. She taught me the true meaning of humanity and courage to pursue anything I desired. I’ve had too many mentors over time to mention; however, I would say the majority of my mentorship came from my fraternity brothers who paved the way for me to join this fraternal bond, by way of pledging Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. My entire life was impacted by the bond of brotherhood because I was exposed to true manliness and leadership. Every young man needs that type of guidance, and more importantly, I know the value of giving back by way of mentee/mentorship to the younger generations who is vital to our future.

Huey X: When did you realize your passion for the arts?

Robert D.: I acknowledged and realized my passion for the arts as early as elementary school as I mentioned earlier. It was clear as day.

Huey X: How did you first break into the acting business/industry?

Robert D: Initially, once I made a decision to move to Atlanta I decided to professionally train while taking on extra roles to learn the business from an intermediary level. I’ve trained with so many great professionals. Greg Alan Williams was a personal coach of mine for months and I value that opportunity and experience till this present day.

Huey X: You’ve recently been cast in the series, Murder Chose Me. How did you land this role?

Robert D.: My agent at that time and casting director contacted me about this specific role by way of my past work with Jupiter Entertainment.

Huey X: Can you tell us about the series and a brief background about the character?

Robert D.: Murder Chose Me is the highest rated show on the Investigation Discovery Network. My character, Tony Clark, was denoted as an easy going guy who experienced an unfortunate situation with an untrustworthy girlfriend. Please check out the episode for yourself to find out why, Season 3 Episode 5.

Huey X: You’re not only an actor but a writer as well. How has being a writer improves your acting career?

Robert D.: Being a writer allows you full range to think, speak, and be heard from a holistic perspective. It improved my acting career because you become more creative and you control the narrative. Please check out my book, Tip of the Day, available on Amazon and ebooks available as well.

Huey X: What are some goals and accomplishments you’re still looking to accomplish in your career?

Robert D.: I have many goals and intentions to accomplish which will be done on and off the camera throughout my career. I’m realizing more and more to create content on my own to share with the world while only pursuing acting gigs that will align with my purpose.

Huey X: Do you have any upcoming films, series, or scripts we should be on the lookout for?

Robert D.: I’m currently working on developing more volumes of “Tip of the Day” to release soon. Additionally, I’m working on a series regarding me as an (Airbnb SuperHost) touring my 8 locations that I’m currently Hosting and counting thus far.

Huey X: What great words of wisdom and advice can you offer aspiring actors and writers?

Robert D.: God created me to inspire . God is the head and author of my life so my story is already written and so is yours. So with that being said, it’s my day to day obligation to share words of wisdom based on my life experiences. I’m a man of many visions and I see them clear as day. The content of “Tip of the Day” will share my light to help illuminate yours. I share directly from my interactions perceived as the good days and the better days. Notice I never mention having a bad day because I honestly feel a day of life is never a bad day; it just depends on how you receive and perceive. You were blessed to see another day.

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