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Someone Like Me

Someone like me…with honey chocolate skin, might leave my home and not come back again. Police don’t take time to assess the problem, they pull out their guns….start shooting, that’s how they solve em’.

Civilians with mental illness, mishandled and misunderstood, a mechanic takes more time with a car, as he looks under the hood. Training? What training? Why aren’t more people complaining? You bring a knife to a gun fight, your death we’re explaining. Why shoot to kill, is there some thrill in taking down someone whose outta their mind? In that training they speak of…do they teach how to be kind?

Someone like me…..bitter like dark chocolate, can’t come out the house without “them” wanting to start shit. Driving my car from one place to another, pulled over by police, another dark skinned brother. Philando was “guilty” before he was stopped. Don’t need a judge or jury with bigoted cops. He was licensed to carry yo….determined that he had to go…life snuffed out in 40 secs tho. A sight no little girl should have to see…..but that memory will be hers indefinitely

Someone like me….skin chocolate like milk, so smooth and soft….feeling just like silk. Injecting “Brown sugar” into your veins, that ride that you trip on, oh my it’s insane! Conflicted, addicted…like trash we’re depicted….wars on drugs, my people evicted. No compassion, just judgment of a critical past, when we need help, tell me who can we ask? Life slowly slips away from us….beautiful skin turns to dust, tossed quickly aside into cells…all hopes and dreams….well….they’re a bust! White chocolate is hooked on Oxy and Fentanyl, can you believe this ya’ll? Now guess the description…an opioid addiction.

Someone like me, just a thug and criminal…their message is subliminal. But when it happens to them, the system jumps in, for what’s happening to them, is purely a sin. Things have gotten quite hectic, someone go on and call a medic, it’s getting outta hand….now it’s called an EPIDEMIC! When YOU are treated as “Someone Like Me”, maybe then you’ll understand police brutality.

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