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The Magic Garden

Have you ever paid attention to the words that you say to yourself? How you hurt yourself because there’s no trust of self? The seeds that are planted are not just from everyone else, but what you’ve planted yourself and I include myself.

How rich is the soil that you cultivate…filled with love or hate, we self deprecate. Undervaluing ourselves at every turn, when will we learn, our spirits discern….all the worthiness that lies beneath, when you plant, use different seeds, for we need to clearly see, all of our beau-ty….that goes for you and for me.

The people that surround you, are they good to you too, remain loyal and true, do they speak life over you?I beg your pardon? Well, what’s in your garden? Is it mystical and magical, or is it tactical and practical?

The seeds that we plant should be full of magic and wonder, let no man put asunder, your purpose-filled life…free from stress and from strife. If we don’t water our gardens, hearts become hardened and we remain stuck, so many weeds we must pluck.“

Magic Gardens” need laborious toil, to remove contaminated soil….watch the words that you speak, for what you sow, you shall reap.

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