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The Turtle Won the Race

We all remember the story about the tortoise and the hare, we may have even wondered what’s that tortoise doing there. The hare looked like they had it all going on, doesn’t seem to be struggling, that hare seems incredibly strong.

We compare ourselves to that hare, thinking all our efforts are a disgrace all those hills, valleys and curves, that hare laughs in your face!

With an effortless stride, that hare passes right on by feeling defeated and deflated, you’re doing all you can just to survive.

You think the gap is widening, and the distance is way too deep, the road to victory feels entirely too steep. You’re ready to give up, and you don’t feel like going on but I’m here to tell you that you’ve gotta stay strong.

No matter the obstacles you face, or the dreams you’re trying to chase, stay brave and keep your own pace, all your concerns about that hare were simply misplaced, have you noticed the hare is gone without a trace? Shoulders back, head up as you go to take your place, and don’t you ever forget, that damn turtle won the race!

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