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The Window To My Soul

Have you ever self-reflected…didn’t like what you see? No light, only darkness, perpetrated by memories, oh please…stop judging me…not talking to you…I’m talking to me because, I’m the only one…who can never…let it be.

The tracks of my tears are my fears running down my face, unmerited favor from my Savior, a daily dose of His grace. At times, I’m so disgusted…can’t even look at my own face, will there ever be a time where self-hate will be replaced.My soul is on a journey, it’s been to hell and back, decimation all around me…threw my mind…out of whack.

Slowly…but surely I’m picking up the pieces…standing firmly by my faith, the only way…that I can beat this.

There’s no light at the end of the tunnel…because the in me…it’s been dark…for so long, I’m so happy to see…rejuvenation, transformation…meditation has set me free…took a glimpse…in the mirror…I’m finally recognizing…me.

The window…to my soul…reflects inward, not out…had to get…to the root…to take all that “gook” out. I was trifling…cuz it was stifling my ability to grow. Now, if we looked through your window, tell me…what would your soul…show? Here’s to brighter days!

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