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Wellness Advocate Launches Brand, Overcomes Horrific Accident

The saying all things happen for a reason or for a greater purpose, always seems to stem true, especially for wellness advocate, Tye Coe. Ms. Ty is a visionary Entrepreneur, Remote Business Operations Consultant, and Co-Founder of Royal Legacy Wellness.

The Royal Legacy Wellness collective was birthed after Tye faced a tragic car accident in 2018 that led to a miraculous and life-altering surgery to extract a benign brain tumor. Her intense recovery period was marked by deep depression and a journey of personal discovery, that led to the exploration of holistic healing practices. She then reclaimed power over her own healing and now helps others dig deep to uncover their power to choose a life of intrinsic health and financial freedom.

I recently did an Instagram Live interview with Ms. Coe where she chatted more about her personal journey and business ventures.

Naomi: Can you give a brief background of who you are and what you do?

Tye: I am an entrepreneur and I have several brands that I work with; most recently, Royal Legacy Wellness.

Naomi:You have a tremendous story. You had a brain tumor; can you walk us through that experience and how you were able to overcome it?

Tye: In January of 2018 , I had a car accident while driving to Santa Cruz for work. I slammed directly into a car that had come out of a residential area, attempting to make a turn that they were unable to make because of a cement median in the road. The driver ended up driving onto the highway, stopping in the same lane that I was traveling in at 60 mph. As a result of this horrific accident, once I was taken to the hospital; over a period of several months I was put through a battery of tests.

In August, after dealing with some difficult symptoms; I went to a neurologist; at which time it was discovered that I had a brain tumor. It was benign and the doctor was looking to remove it right away. The surgery took place in October and it went well.

2 to 3 months after surgery, my attempts at returning to “normal” began to backfire on me. I had suddenly become withdrawn and isolated myself from friends and family. I fell into a deep depression and subsequently; gained weight. I had a difficult time coping and did not feel like myself.

By December of 2019, I was tired of being tired; tired of being sad. One day I decided that I was not going to “do this” anymore and I slowly began to “snap out of it”. Meditation was a tremendous help on the road to recovery.

In 2020, a colleague and friend approached me and introduced me to CBD tea; a detox tea, along with a liquid vitamin that helped me begin to lose weight. I became protective over my energy and space and overall spirit. As a result of this journey, Royal Legacy Wellness was born. It is a brand that is committed to overall wellness. The language that you are speaking to yourself everyday can have a tremendous impact on your mental health.

Naomi: You mentioned that you have meditation helped you. For those who are new to meditation, how can they become comfortable with it?

Tye: About 10 years ago, I went to a meditation retreat where I learned to meditate. After the surgery, I got away from meditating all together. When you are beginning, start slowly, doing about 10-15 minutes each day. It is important to find a quiet place and then focus on your breathing. Through meditation, you can quiet the mind down. The more that you meditate, the more that you can hear from God.

Naomi: Do you incorporate meditation into your business and what are some of the other services that you have available?

Tye: We were doing some meditations in the beginning of the year, but we do not currently have any meditations. But we will be starting some meditations in June. We will be offering daily meditation. We also offer several wellness products; Nutraburst, which is a liquid vitamin that makes sure that you have all your nutrients for the day. It is like having 10 salads with one shot. With this, I am not as hungry throughout the day. We also have a hand sanitizer available in travel size and a spray. We also offer opportunities for people to build wealth, by assisting them in creating their own home based business. We share inspirational stories and recipes each week. It is a great place for people to come to their overall wellness on.

Naomi: What has been your favorite part about starting your business?

Tye: I think that my favorite part is helping others. There are women out there like me who are struggling with their overall wellness, with their weight…their mental health. Next week, we will be starting IG lives, so that we can discuss various topics that our community faces.

Naomi: As a health and wellness advocate, why should we start to put more time into our health and wellness?

Tye: Given all that is going on with Covid-19, we as Black people should be concerned about our health and making pro-active choices to better our health. Statistically, I have read that Black and Brown people make up 70% of the cases…that is a wake-up call to say; ‘ok, why is this happening?’’ A lot of it has to do with, underlying health conditions, our eating habits and lack of exercise. We need to think about what we are consuming into our minds and how that impacts our mental health. It is important for us to consider our legacy and future generations by taking care of our health and wellbeing. Our mental health as parents and leaders is something that we need to think about too. How can we expect to have a positive impact on our families and our communities, if we are not well? Overall health is important for all people but right now I am talking about Black people because I believe that it is important for our legacy.

Naomi: Do you have any other ventures in the works?

Tye: I do. I have always been an entrepreneur and prior to the surgery, I was involved in different things. I am currently working with a group called; Camp Couture NY LA. It is an awesome group of celebrity mentors in the field of fashion. We cover every aspect of what it takes to make a successful video shoot. I will also be launching soon an E-course on remote management. I got my life back and I am happy and so I want to help everybody do everything.

Naomi: Awesome! That is key, having multiple streams of income, especially as you mentioned earlier, when we are talking about legacy.

So, what words of advice would you have for those who are looking to get into entertainment? We have a lot of aspiring entertainers on our page.

Tye: Ok, so just to clarify…Camp Couture NY LA is a mentorship program for the artists of the entertainment industry; hairstylists, fashion stylists, photographers, make-up artists and models. One thing that I would say is to get good at your craft. Get around people that are already doing it and become a student…master your craft so that you are the best around.

Naomi: Do you have any last remarks that we did not cover?

Tye: I am passionate about overall wellness. I am still on my journey and it is a commitment every day and I want to inspire people to get serious about their health and wellbeing.

Naomi: How much weight have you lost?

Tye: I lost 35 pounds.

Naomi: What kind of exercises do you do?

Tye: I do weight training, sets of sit ups…my business partner and I work out at the same time every day. We work at calisthenics and body sculpting. So far, I have lost 16 lbs. and I am very happy about that…I just have a little bit more to go.

Naomi: How long did it take you to lose the weight?

Tye: In a three-week time period, I lost 13 lbs., that was just when the quarantine started. I was working on this journey since the beginning of the year. Since we were home for the quarantine, that is when I became committed and started taking the tea every day, once in the morning, once at night. I started the workout about 4 weeks after I got regimented with the CBD tea. So, it was really the tea that helped me to lose the initial 13 lbs.

Naomi: How long should people workout each day? There are some people who have difficulty in being enthusiastic about working out.

Tye: I get it…trust me. The first 4 weeks, I hated it! It was hard to get up each day to exercise. If you can start with 30 minutes, 3 to 5 days a week. Also, it can be helpful to get an accountability partner because we need each other to keep each other encouraged.

Naomi: Thank you so much Tye for all your wonderful information. I hope that it helped someone out there…thank you for your time.

Tye: You are welcome Naomi. It was great being here with you.

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