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Yes, I Want A Black Cat

The movie Cat Woman featuring Halle Berry was captivating, enlightening and inspiring to me.  It wasn’t until I had my own experience with the feline, that I began a journey and researched the history.

A beautiful mysterious black cat, whom I now call Queen Sheba, started purr-suing me. Everywhere I turned she was there, in my car, outside chair, settled on my porch, even at the park. We would lock eyes and I knew she was a mystical creature watching over me.

The black cat and its common history is shaded and dipped in myths.  In the middle ages, black cats became associated with Satan and witchcraft.  This widespread superstition lead to the slaughter of massive black cats and if the need arose, their owners too.

I discovered the black cat in particular is a sign of good fortune and luck.  Unjustly over time, the color black has been defined as bad and misfortunate.  Being the black queen that I am, I can confidently say that’s a bunch of baloney.

The religion of Islam speaks of cats as being clean, useful animals, who were loved by the prophet Mohammed (founder of Islam) his beloved cat was named Muezza.

Cats were worshipped in ancient Egypt as the goddess Bastet or Bast having a body of a woman with the head of a beautiful cat. In the countries of England and Ireland a black cat crossing your path was a sign of good luck. In Japanese culture a single woman who owned a black cat attracts more suitors. In the Great Britain midlands, black cats are given as traditional wedding gifts giving good luck and love to the bride.

The National Institute of Health discovered the genetic mutation which cause the color of the cat to be black, also provides protection against diseases. These mutations affect the same genes that offer resistance to HIV in humans.

It’s a fact that cats instinctively fall and land on their feet.  Kind of like the woman in me. So yes, this year in 2019, I’m excited to give a home to a beautiful, vibrant and radiant black cat, I will call Queen Sheba.

Sources: Raven Fabal ‘ the cat lady” and The Spruce Pets”

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