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Dating Tip Tuesday: Forgiving Others

Just because you forgive someone, doesn’t mean they are allowed to have access to your life again. It’s just a way for you to feel better about the situation. Here are 5 ways to Forgive so you can date better:

1. Forgiveness is not a feeling it’s a commitment. It must be practiced. We have to learn to commit to ourselves first. It will help us making better choice on who we should commit to. Who deserves our commitment.

2. Acknowledge the hurt. Don’t ignore it, don’t suppress it. This will help you get to the root of the problem so you can get to the solution.

3. Figure out the Lesson: You may need to write it out, speak it, sing it, dance it what whatever it is that will allow you to release so you can see the pattern if there is one and fix it.

4. Process so you can move forward. What’s the plan. Cut this person off, set boundaries, mind the company you keep. No fence straddler. Everything comes into your life as a lesson, blessing, reason season. It’s all designed to make you better.

5. Forgiveness is for your healing. Forgiving people or forgiving choices it’s all about how you can grow from the experience. Your past does not dictate your future. Focus on what you have in front of you and solve. The journey has peaks and valleys but you will always be the victor as long as you commit to your healing.

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