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10 Ways to Tell Whether a Person is Into You Or Not

You just got a new boo and things are going good, but after the honeymoon phase passes and life gets real, how do you know if he or she is really into you?

Below are 10 ways that to tell whether or not they are into you:

  1. They compliment you a lot on things other than your looks.

  2. If they go out their way to see you.

  3. Not only do they listen to you, but they remember what you said.

  4. They are always laughing and smiling around you.

  5. Always talking about you meeting their people.

  6. They go out of their way to do something nice for you.

  7. They start sharing their future plans with you.

  8. Their body language shows it.

  9. They have no problem reaching out first.

  10. They tell you!

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