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Poetry Corner: That Soul Connection


They’re like that beautiful, yet challenging journey.

Most will go through several relationships, and even engagements and marriage (s) before they finally bump into the one that they’re supposed to be with.

Sometimes, well most of the time, that relationship that you’re supposed to be in one, for one just kind of happens, but why does it usually happen in the most odd situations?

You know where both parties are in particular prior situations and/or scenarios that they know they need to get out of, but at the same time they want to be in this new found relationship.

Crazy right? But not really. That’s just, “The Way Love Goes,”as my girl Janet would say.

Love, true love, is always a risk. If it was easy then there would be no breaks ups, no divorces, no cheating, etc., because everyone would automatically be with the one that they are supposed to be with on the first try, because it would be easy.

So love comes with challenges because challenges help us grow. And while it’s okay to take a step back for a moment, when you have found that one that your soul craves, you don’t let that go for anything. No matter what the circumstance is! Because when you know, you just know.

The best and true love stories are the ones that went through everything that was meant to break them apart for good. But both parties decided to stick by each other no matter what.

If one tried to pull away, the other one was that strength to keep things together. It’s called balance.

I know because I am currently living it, but most would never know. They see the businesses I’m launching, the successes that I’m making, the way my brand is expanding, but they don’t see is a woman that is fighting hard to keep her relationship in tact.

I never really understood the term, when you know just know, until now. Even in my engagement that I broke off nearly 3 years ago, I was confused throughout the whole duration of the relationship.

Even in other relationships, I was like, okay maybe I can marry them, but if someone were to ask if I felt they were the one, I would’ve hesitated.

See those were all karmic relationships. They seemed blissful but in some way they were very self serving and only there to serve a lesson.

Karmics are never meant to last, but some do marry their karmic and then divorce within months to a just a few short years.

Some may even stay with their karmic for years, have kids, and then wait until the kids are grown until they finally cut “romantic” ties for good to start living their true happiness with their true partner that is meant for them.

But back to the current situation at hand. So how did I know this guy was the one?

Well, for one our souls crave each other! We have a mutually spiritual bond that honestly can’t be explained. It’s that rare thing that so many search for and we just naturally have it.

When we’re around each other it’s like no one else exists. Even when there are others in the room, it’s like they’re muted and just there and my only focus is on my guy.

He’s honestly my lover and friend. Funny thing is, we started as friends. We were long time friends that supported each other for years in our different ventures.

Who knew that we would be where we are today!?!

But currently, we’re in this Half Crazysituation, listen to that song by Musiq Soulchild, and you’ll catch my drift. Those lyrics definitely hit different now.

It’s like that moment where you just want your friend back, but then you can’t go back because you look at them in an entirely different and new light.

So with us, I am definitely the stronger one. The one that knows that we just can’t walk away from each other and act as if things never existed.

We’re in a situation that is definitely in no way unique. There’s literally like 70 percent of the Nation’s population who are going through the same exact thing.

Once you’re in it yourself, you start to be surrounded by others who are in the same situation.

Outsiders and even the other person, who is usually the puller, will say not to wait for them. Live your best life and enjoy yourself.

But in actual reality, they are trying to wrap their head around the whole situation. So as the “puller” they think that it’s best to end things at the moment, but they know they don’t want to, but they think that it’s best because they’ll feel like they’ll drag the other person on for who knows how long because they trying to figure something out that they God didn’t intend for them to figure out on their own.

But see when your souls are connected the way they are, it’s not about one party waiting, it’s about not walking away. If someone can just walk away that easy, there was no love in the first place and your souls probably weren’t as connected as you thought.

When your souls are connected, your soul won’t just let you walk away.

So to my lover and friend, we just need to be there for each other right now. No matter how much you try to pull away, I’m not waking away. Sorry not sorry.

We both mutually want to be with each other so we’re going to to ride this thing out TOGETHER!

I know you like to have certain things under your control but in life you just can’t control some things, especially a love thing.

Plus, you’re going to need my support emotionally as we get over this hurdle.

So the only thing I’m walking away from is not being able to be by your side. At the end of the day you’ll thank me for never giving up.

I love you and that’ll never change!

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