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Relationship Coach Cassandra Menard Enhances Man's Relationships

When it comes to relationships there is always noise about what makes a woman happy. What a woman needs. It seems as if society makes it to where relationships are centered around the woman, but in reality aa relationship consists of two people whose needs need to be met. Men’s needs are just as important as the woman’s.

Relationship Coach Cassandra Menard ensures that men’s voices are heard. She helps them to have the best memories with their loves ones and to have successful relationships. This helps them to be better equipped to lead their woman.

I interviewed Ms. Menard where she chatted more on her coaching business and relationships.

Lior: Can you please tell our viewers a little bit about yourself, and what it is that you do?

Ms. Cassandra: Sure, so my name is Cassandra Menard, I am a relationship coach, and I inspire men to create incredible memories with their loved ones. I am passionate about a man’s experience in romantic relationships.

Lior: In our last interview, which you can find on the Purposely Awakened website, you did specify that you specialize in assisting men with their relationships. What made you want to get into that?

Ms. Cassandra: Yeah, I have to check out that conversation because that conversation went all the way up. So there are 2 parts to this answer. One part of it is spiritual and the other is a part of me that sees certain things that do not seem to be fair, and I feel like they deserve more coverage in a sense. Spiritually speaking, I feel like this was a calling that God gave me and told me about ever since I was a young teen, I do not even think that I was 14 yet, when God told me that he wanted me to work in the context of healthy marriages and relationships.I did not really understand it at the time, but I just had this knowing, this calling. Over the years, I fought that calling because I felt a strong inkling to work with men in the first place, and growing up Christian, I was raised to always believe that women were to work with women, and men are to work with men. So, for a long period of time I did work with women but as I got older, I kept feeling like this pressing and this…you have to do it and this is how I want you to do it, so that is why I work with men.

Another reason why I choose to really focus on men is because now that I am older, I think that I am able to see what God is alluding to which is that there is an abundance of literature, support, articles, books, and magazines that direct conversations to women about relationships because it is profitable. But now we have a culture of women who are ready to be led, they are ready for marriage, they are working on their businesses, they are releasing their traumas, they are in therapy…they are doing the darn thing.

These same women who now have an awareness do not really have a person to practice with, honey chile, we can learn anything, we can learn all about marriage. You can learn and you can date, I will speak for myself. I can date a gentleman, and once we cross the threshold of chemistry into love, now the work begins, now this is for real because prior to my emotions being invested, I am capable of leaning back, I am capable of listening to you, but when I am emotionally charged, baby, (she says as Lior laughs), it’s another Cassandra! I need someone to practice with, and so that is why I want to work with gentlemen.They are equipped to work with and practice life with women who albeit are in therapy and working on themselves, but to be able to engage and handle those conversations and hold space for her, and before we can ask a man to hold space for a woman, we need to hold space for our men. We need to demonstrate that first.

Lior: Absolutely, understood…I love it. So, I know that in our last meeting, we discussed how a woman can tell whether a man is healed or not. Would you say that those signs are the same in healed women, or are they different?

Ms. Cassandra: I think that they are pretty much the same. I think that the wounded feminine and the wounded masculine are a little bit different but we both have masculine and feminine energies. It is just a matter of how the wounded aspect shows up. So, the wounded feminine would be the victim, and a man can experience that, and a woman can experience that, because it is the desire to be saved, it is the desire to be rescued, and in order to be rescued, you can never be the hero of your own life. So, therefore if you are never the hero, then you are never responsible, so the wounded feminine is constantly blaming, they are always the victim, no matter what you do, it is always something that you did.The wounded masculine would be enraged, and angry. It is not about being the victim, it is a matter of principle, or respect, or some boundary that was crossed, and as opposed to having a conversation about it, the pent-up energy releases, and it’s yelling, it’s cursing, it is punching, and you can hear the differences, but you can definitely imagine how any woman or man can play into that.So, it depends on what aspect of the energy is wounded, and sometimes it is both, most of the time it is both.

Lior: It is so crazy that you say that because I can only imagine those two types of people trying to coexist in a relationship together, and how…I hate to use the word toxic because it is so overused, but how toxic that would look.

Ms. Cassandra: I try not to use the word toxic either because if something is toxic, you need to throw it away…discard it, and I believe in restoration. You cannot restore toxicity, but we can heal the wounded. I tend to talk about the wounded aspects, or the unhealed, or the process of healing, because we are all healing. I am still healing as long as I have breath left in me, I will forever be healing, I will forever be learning. I think that we need to get comfortable with that.

Lior: Do you feel like…let us say that there is a couple, where they both require a deep level of healing that they have not reached yet, do you feel that they can still be in that relationship, while healing at the same time?

Ms. Cassandra: If there is willingness. There has to be the willingness to adopt the belief that I do not know it all, so some humility, and the willingness to continue to persevere despite getting it wrong a million times. There also needs to be a willingness to forgive. I used to struggle with forgiveness, and the breakthrough that I had with forgiveness, was in acknowledging that there was nothing to forgive at all, because I could have easily done the same thing. I am not exempt, I am not holier than, I am not better than, I am not more righteous…I am just as capable of committing the same offense, therefore there is nothing to forgive. That is hard, but when you see the humanity in someone it makes it easier, and when you see the person sitting across from you as your friend, you know how to treat them like a friend. When my friends mess up in their lives, I do not take it personally. When my man is not doing what he needs to do, I am always thinking about, how is what you are doing going to affect our lives. I try to be careful with that, and I try to be present with him in the moment, and it is not the easiest thing, but that is why I say that you want someone that you can practice life with, someone who is forgiving, who will not give up on you because they know that you have it in you, and who will break past things, who will be in a space of forgiveness, someone who is going to allow me to forgive, and someone who will allow me to be forgiven.

Lior: Absolutely, and with that, you brought up a really good point about how in a friendship, we are a lot more forgiving. I know that with millennials, a lot of times we kind of skip past the friendship stage and quickly move into a relationship, what are your thoughts about that?

Ms. Cassandra: I put no time stamp on anything. I think that everybody’s journey is different, and there is room for it all. There is room for people who had sex on the first date, and they have the longest most bodacious loving relationship ever. There are people that waited for marriage, and they are fighting like cats and dogs. It is not always the when, it is kind of the how. How are you managing the relationship, how are you seeing your partner, and I think that it would be great if people start with friendship, but if you do not start with a friendship, it does not mean that it is the reason why the relationship failed.The time is always now to make your partner, your friend…it is always now, it is never in the beginning, it is always right now, right now we are friends. But I do want to add a disclaimer, I am not saying that you should go ahead and give away the cookies the first day. I am saying it happens, but that is not something that I would gamble with, that is risky, and you got to wear some big girl drawers if you want to play that game, because most women cannot handle it, even though they say that they can, I would recommend that you wait.

Lior: I love that. So, what do you think are some challenges that Black men and woman need to overcome in order to have more successful relationships?

Ms. Cassandra: To be honest with you, I think Black men and women need to give up the ghost of Christmas past, I am about to tell you what that is because I just made it up. The ghost of Christmas past is all of what my momma and them did, how my daddy do it, my last relationship. Black folks memory is long, it is very long, and we need to start chopping up the memories, and doing away with them, and move forward. I am Haitian, but I was born here. I love Haitian culture, I love who I am, I love our language, our music, our food…all of that. I never want to let go of that, but the principles, the structure, and the standards of my relationship with my future husband, we have to establish that.Will we borrow insights from the past, sure of course, that is how we learn, “only a fool learns from his own mistakes, the wise man learns from the mistakes of others.” – Otto von Bismarck.So, yes sure, but we need to come together at some point and agree. So, I think that something that Black men and women do is that they make excuses for piss poor behavior in the past but call it good because that is how they are used to doing it. Everything must be challenged.

Lior: That is very true, and I love that. I really do understand because I was talking to my younger sister, and we were talking about as you said with even our parents and grandparents, they hold onto anger and bitterness for so long, and you cannot move into anything healthy that way. I feel like older generations are learning but I really feel like this generation is the one that is really starting to undo a lot of those traumatic things, and those generational curses.How can women use their femininity to benefit them in a situation of conflict with their partner?

Ms. Cassandra: That is an excellent question. I am an analytical person, but I am not the best at this, but I will tell you what the juice is. The juice in femininity is the energy of allowing. Feminine energy receives, masculine energy provides…it is a giving energy. Even if you are in a space of giving, you are just in your masculine, and there is nothing wrong with that.Feminine energy receives, think of a lock and key. If you go to Home Depot, and they are asking for certain parts, they will ask for the female or the male part, because the female part will receive. When you are in conflict and a man is in his masculine, he is in a space to give, so he is really in request of you holding space for whatever he is giving, even if he is just talking your ear off. In that space you want to allow it by putting invisible tape across your mouth and do not say anything until it is your turn.

It is not easy, especially if you are educated, and you have a billion and one thoughts and I do not mean formally educated, I mean well read, cultured. The more that you read, the more that you have inside of your brain, the more thoughts, and opinions that you have. It is not that a man does not want to hear it, it is not that it is of no value, or no use, you have to be in the present moment, and feminine energy is all over the place, it’s scattered, it’s creative, and emotional, it is like the ocean, and when the ocean is moved honey chile, you better put on your life jacket, because this is about to be a whole wave. If you are not trained in your feminine, I am always saying that I need someone to practice life with, using me as an example, if I am not with a man that is willing to practice life with me, I will not have that opportunity to calm my own storm because I do not have a stimulant, I need the stimulant to see how far my waves can go.In the presence of a regular man that I do not have an emotional attachment to, I can do that with my eyes closed, I can do that with my hands tied behind my back, hopping on one leg, spinning in a circle, and give him all of that and then some, but honey baby if they are in love with you, I have to tell you my emotions are in the mix, so as a lady, you have to learn how to manage, self soothe your emotions and relax and lean into your body and be present. An exercise that I recommend is that when your man is talking, even if you are not there in person with him, whether you are in person or not, you can imagine the facial expressions. So I might say wow, it sounds like you are frustrated, and you wait. That is the part that we do not want to do, because we would say, it sounds like you are frustrated because…right, is that right, and you do not want to do that because he is able to think for himself, you want to pause. The blessing and the juice of femininity is in the game of waiting, we say that we want to wait to give the cookie, you want to wait to give your response, you want to wait to give your opinion, it is a lot of waiting, and if you notice, a lot of women are very impatient, all the more for you liking somebody, please chile, it is a storm. I feel like God did it on purpose, it is an iron sharpens iron kind of thing.

Lior: Yes, agreed, because I can only imagine all of my friends who wait for a text, that is something that women are really bad at is waiting for a text and if he does not text us within a certain amount of time, I am not talking to you (Lior starts laughing).

Ms. Cassandra: Whoo chile…were you at my house the other day (laughter), I am just joking.

Lior: So, I do understand that patience aspect. Given the fact that you have worked with a lot of men, what have you noticed are some of their priority desires in a relationship?

Ms. Cassandra: Perfect question, actually what I have noticed based on a survey that I just completed, you know what guys really want, when I do this work, and I study stuff, my mind is continuously blown, it is blown because you cannot make it up, how consistent this information is, it is amazing. What men want is what women have that they do not naturally have, that is what they want. Women are keen and are equipped to create communities and understand please because people be coming for me in the comments. I am not saying that men are not capable of building communities, I am not saying that men do not want that, I am just talking about the propensity of what we do, and it is good to acknowledge the parts that we are strong in, because then we get to lean on each other, and leverage the strength versus looking at it as a weakness.You have something that I do not have, that is not true, I do have that, but this is not a competition. We are here to cooperate; we are not here to compete. So a lot of men are looking for partnership, they are looking for connection, they want their woman to feel like he is her best friend, her best lover…they want to feel again. Guess what women are great at…feeling. We are feeling everything, every time, every moment, and we are holding onto it. We are excellent at feeling, and that is the thing that drives men insane, is that when they start to feel again, and the consequence to feeling is that you cannot control what you feel in the moment.So, when you love this girl, the love is great, the love is bliss, the love is dynamic, but one wrong move, it is like stepping on a mine field. It is an explosion, so it’s like on the one hand do they want to feel, yes. But at the same time the conflict is that much heavier, it is like physics, the same pressure of water that it takes to push something down is the same amount pressure that it takes to push something up, so it is the pressure.

Lior: What advice would you give to someone, because I know that there are some women who know that their partner has feelings for them, and they know that their partner loves them, but they are trying to force the partner to feel something, or to reveal verbally his feelings towards her, what advice would you give to women who are dealing with that kind of situation?

Ms. Cassandra: That is kind of difficult because one thing for sure is if you are ever going to pay attention to anything in a man, outside of his words, and his actions, pay attention to his energy. Energy does not lie. You will have some men who are capable of creating the façade with their actions. You have men who can use words and say things…some men who have ill intent they know that the first place to work a woman before you work her legs is what is between her ears, so they will talk that talk, but a man’s energy does not lie.Consistency is key, it is only so long that you can fake something. So pay attention to the energy. How do you feel as a woman when you are with him, how do you feel as a woman when he is not around. If they do not match, something is wrong. I cannot tell you what that something is, but I can say that it is something. You know how we do as women, do not give me a question that I cannot answer because now I have to find out, now I have to Inspector Gadget it until I get to the bottom of this, but if you feel safe and secure in his arms, and you feel loved, and you feel his presence, but he is away and he is communicating with you, the vibe is consistent, it matches…you are good.

If he is not around and you are feeling an emptiness, you are feeling his lack of presence or something is wrong, you find yourself constantly leaning forward, leaning in trying to pull something out of him, he is distracted, maybe is it work, maybe it is a woman, maybe it is his thoughts, we do not know but it is something to pay attention to, and to say hey babe I noticed that I have not heard too much from you, I would love to talk more, what do you think? So that is a feminine response versus you do not call me, when you come to my house…if you come at him in a rough manner, then you will end up pushing him away.If you come with a feminine response, with gentleness and some warmth, then you most likely will get a gentle response. If he is waving you off, then what you do is go to level 2, level 2 is when you lean back. Stop initiating calls, stop initiating the text, stop initiating the I love you’s, stop initiating the fixing, do not fix a thing, do not do anything…stop. So that you can see what his energy is. That again, points back to what I said to you earlier about the juice in femininity is in the waiting game, in the patience. That is where the blessings are.

So, when you stay in your feminine, and you focus on the patience you will get so much more, you will either get the man to step in as the masculine and you will get that and that makes you happy or you are going to get the response, this is not the man for me. Because I know how I want to feel as a woman with my man. I want to feel loved, adored, cherished, protected. I want to feel like nobody come hell or high water comes before me, damnit barely anyone can come after me.No one needs to be in our bubble. I had a post where I talked about having a throne, if you want to identify as King, and you are dating me, I am supposed to be your Queen, then there should be a throne beside you and not a couch. If you have a lot of competing agendas and initiatives that I have to compete with, what are you trying to do, create the hunger games? You are about to start the hunger games; I’m getting ready to turn this thing…let’s not do that, let’s be present.In order to create that, then a man needs to have space and to have room, that is why you need to “period” it, hello! As a man, for any man who has a lot of baggage, his feminine is wounded, as opposed to his masculine. That would be his identified feminine wound, his desire is to hold onto every relationship type. That means that his feminine is wounded. He has not practiced letting go, and women have that too. There is a lot of stored energy, whether it is in the form of a story, in the form of a person, in the form of a belief, you have to release certain things, you have to shed them, you have to get clean, so that you can make room for another person in your life. So, that is one of the issues, if your man is not giving you energy, he is expending it some place, but it is just not with you. We expend energy all day long, either you are going to expend your energy at your job, you will expend it with your girl, with your projects, for your people, or whatever but you are spending it, where are you spending it, and how are you spending it.In that case if he does not want to give you what you are asking for, then you move to level 3, which is now you do not get the access. Women are not good at that game because they feel like they have lost but baby, you have won! Because he does not get you, the feeling that you give to him, the feeling that you provide for him, the energy that he was used to getting, the sweetness, the warmth, that has gone away, and now his bed is cold. I do not care how many women he puts in his bed; it is not your warmth, it is not you, there is no other you!If he is okay with not having you then he still is not for you. I want my man to be ready to hop on a horse, and go to the ends of the earth, if it meant that he would get me, that is the energy that every woman craves and desires, but unfortunately, a lot of our guys do not know how to do that.

Lior: You are making some very beautiful points, and it is so funny, my sister she is young, but she is the background, and she is like period! (they both laugh, so you are definitely making some great points.More so in the late 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s, people started asking if their standards were too high, or are their standards too low? For both men and women, how do you know if your standards are too high or too low?

Ms. Cassandra: Oh I cannot be the judge of that. it is according to your beliefs, the reason why I say that is because some people have fake standards. They will talk about what they will not allow to happen, and then until the test comes and then all of your standards are gone, they were not standards, you are lying. So, I cannot be the judge of whether or not someone’s standards are high or low because they have to be self-established, and there has to be things that you are willing to deal with.

For example, you might have a standard around sex, and intimacy, and you might break that standard, you might break that mold for that one person, is that standard to high to wait, is the standard of not having any expectations around sex too low? Maybe or maybe not, it depends on how you hold it. There are some people who are completely fine with having sex on the first date, and it does not affect them. But what I would say most of all is to thine own self be true. Stay true to what matters to you.For me personally, I hold sex sacred, sex is sacred to me, albeit whether I was raised like that or whatever, there are lots of ways that I was raised with my Christianity, but I do not adopt them all, so this is less about my Christianity per se, does it have something to do with God, absolutely…does it have something to do with the way that I view my temple, definitely. But at the end of the day it is my choice. I choose to abstain because I have a strong standard around sex. I have a strong standard around who gets to see my body, touch my body, that is my standard. For the wrong person that is too high, but for the right person, it is a beautiful thing.

Lior: I would like to go back really quick to a few questions that were asked during the first interview, some of them just really hit, and I feel like it would be appreciated. One of the things that we talked about is where your expertise came from because I would love to get into you, do you feel like it was a lot of personal experiences that prompted you to go into this field of work, or was it just reading up on things?

Ms. Cassandra: It was definitely my experiences, I was in a 15-year relationship that went into marriage, and we were married for 7 years, and we have a beautiful daughter together. At the time of our separation, we still felt like there was a lot of love there between us. But I realized that love is not enough, love is not enough. So, I went on a quest, became obsessed with trying to find out how is it that we have the years, we have the history, we are both Christians, so we are equally yoked. We have a child, couldn’t we have stayed for her, I have all these rhymes and reasons but none of them pointed me to him.There was nothing that made me want to be in this relationship with him, and so I realized that I have to figure out what this is all about. I went through periods where I judged myself because I was a stay-at-home mom, we lived in Texas, and we were able to afford it, so I did not have to work. So, I saw all these reasons why he is faithful, he loves me, we have a child, we are Christian, I had all these reasons why I should stay, but something about me was I have to go, I cannot stay. I am not happy here, I am not satisfied here anymore, I hate this marriage, I hate my life.

I realized what was happening, what was happening was a social construct, that I think a lot of men fall prey to, like a lot of people fall prey to this. What was happening in the dynamic of my marriage was, he had a social construct in his mind of what a Christian, faithful man looks, talks, sounds, and shows up as, great, no problem with having a man that is faithful, no problem having a man that goes to church, but he did not have room in his heart for his wife’s personal requests.

So, therefore this is how men get angry when they feel like I was a good man, and it was not enough I am going to tell you what the problem was. the problem was that you are such a good man that you forgot to be her man. You are a good man, that is a fact. But you need to be HER man. So, it is going to require some things, it is going to demand some things, and what happens when a good man exhausts himself of doing the things that he thinks that he is supposed to do out of obligation, that is more about your ego then it is about satisfying her.It makes you feel good that the food is on the table, it makes you feel good as a man when the bills are paid, you rub her feet, you drew her bath water, you have all this imagination, we talk about Disney and how that messes up women, men have that too, men have that standard too, they have that captain save a ho aspect too. They fall for the okey doke in thinking like…yo this dude over there is cheating on his wife, cursing at his wife, punching walls, I am not doing that, why is my woman not here, why is she not satisfied, why is she not happy? Because you did not take the time…first of all the grass is green under you where you water it, so do not be looking at what other people are going through because you do not even know the whole story.

If you water the grass that is under you then it will become green, so we need our gentlemen to have both. Yes, have your standards as to who you declare yourself to be, identify yourself for yourself. Who am I as a brother, a son, a father, and a husband, as an adult son…who am I, and then be prepared to know nothing at all. Have the room to say that I do not know what it is that she needs but I am going to find out, I am going to remain in discovery and find out who she is. That is where the trouble comes, the good man holds tight to who he thinks that he is supposed to be, and he does not make room to make sure that he knows his wife. My ex-husband did not know me, 15 years…he did not know me.

I dated someone else after the separation and divorce, I met a guy and we dated, and he knew me, he got to know me, I felt understood. I got after a year in that relationship what I did not get in the 15 years with my ex-husband, because he was so detached. That is why I got into this, now the boyfriend part was an accident, I became a girlfriend by accident because I really just wanted to flirt and have fun, and it went from a day of wanting to flirt and have fun to 365 days of flirting and having fun. It was accident but I learned a lot. I saw how different I became, I definitely felt seen. That is what a lot of women want, to be seen, and to be heard. Those are the major complaints of women; they do not feel heard.

Lior: Especially, well it is like you said, everyone needs to be balanced, but I think like you mentioned when women are operating in their feminine, and they are always receiving, it is difficult for them to feel heard because they are always being the receptors. So, that makes a lot of sense when it comes down to that.Is that an area where you see that a lot of men are struggling with?

Ms. Cassandra: Which part?

Lior: The trying to pull back off of giving so much and allowing the woman to be able to give her side.

Ms. Cassandra: Of course, because sometimes what will happen…this is a tricky question because part of this is science, part of it is…realistically speaking two things that women do when they are communicating that does not work for men. One, too many details, so you know I went to work, and I put on the dress, you know the one with the flowers on it, the one that has the pink, and the purple, and the blue flowers, and everything like that…so now he thinks that the story is about the dress, no boo…that is why I got you, it is not about the dress, it was actually about the girl at my job who was not paying attention to me when I was talking to her, for some reason we feel like we have to go from A to Z, it does not work for them. What happens is after a while when they are not understanding what the point of the story is, at some point they may disconnect, and if you are talking too much, they may disconnect. Those 2 things do not really work, but that is how women function. We cannot constantly break our mold to be present for the man.

There has to be a compromise. So, what I typically recommend for a couple who feels like this, is to set a designated time and let her talk, just let her get it out, that is just the feminine, let her vomit, let her let it out, and in those moments, you have to commit to really listening to her, and being there with her, that will help him in his feminine, which is to allow. This is what happens, for me…someone who does this work, when I am talking to a guy, I am intentional about speaking, because if I am not careful, I will not speak at all. I am intentional about speaking up because I have the tendency to be so present for everyone else, and then I do not exist. The next thing that you know they have to get off the phone, we have to transition, and I have not said much at all.

It is kind of like a song, and dance. Men can learn to operate in their feminine by being the receivers…receiving her, and her requests, receiving her words, and receiving her desires, or pacing her in the conversation, and flowing with her and saying hey, what is this about, or tell me more, or what is going on for you here, just asking questions and being in discovery (someone in the comments mentioned that when they talk to a man, they are not able to get a word in), baby…if they only knew.

Lior: I think that it is so easy for women who try to be understanding towards men, especially if men have gone through certain experiences, we will try to be so nurturing and so understanding, to the point where we just let them talk, and then we have not said anything at all…so, I have been there.

Ms. Cassandra: They are not aware of this though, they are not aware of it (a viewer asked this question, what if you are dealing with a gangster and he does not care about any of that), with someone who is a gangster, and quite possibly a hyper-masculine man, and with that you want to ask him a lot of questions. So, baby I would love it if we could date more, and go out on more dates, what do you think? Baby, you know sometimes I try to share some things with you, and I feel like it is kind of hard for me to practice using my voice, would you help me practice using my voice more, what do you think? You have to ask them a lot of questions, if you are dealing with a gangster, a hyper-masculine man, you cannot tell him nothing, do not even try it.Dealing with the alpha male do not tell him nothing, ask him.

That will give you what you want by asking what do you think, I have even have a Reel where I talk about how to reconcile, what a proper reconciliation looks like, step by step, one through six, please check it out everyone. The last thing that I recommend in the process of reconciling…meaning we did not talk, we had a big blow up, so how do we deal with it, the last step that I recommend is that you ask, what do you think. I want to talk to you, I would like to work on this, what do you think. That what do you think line is powerful!What happens is that when we are talking, man or woman, we talk, talk, talk, and there is no question. So, at this point, I am just listening to you. But if you would like for them to participate, then we have to pass the baton and let them know, okay I have finished talking, here is the baton, I actually would like to know what you think.

Lior: That is beautiful. You know it is so crazy because I could literally sit here and listen to you talk all day, and so I thinking let me find a place where I can wrap this up, thank you for doing this second interview. I do not know how you will feel about it but maybe in a couple of months or so, we can do another one?

Ms. Cassandra: Of course! Absolutely.

Lior: I would love that because I am soaking in all of this information too. So, thank you again for allowing us to do this interview with you.Can you remind your viewers as well as ours what your services are, and where they can find you?

Ms. Cassandra: You all can find me on Instagram, I also have a YouTube channel, the link is in my bio, my name is Ask Ms. Cassandra, I inspire men to create incredible memories with their loved ones, recently I have created some challenges for the men, ladies can participate too but I am here for the men and you will find that there are some challenges that you will be able to utilize right away! These challenges can help you to turn your relationship around, or it will help you to reframe your relationship.If you have a relationship that has expired or that has completed, that you are not revisiting, you can take the time to think okay, where did the breakdown happen, or how can I do things better so that in the future it will still apply.

Make sure that you are following me on my page @askmscassandra, also please check out my YouTube page we have a lot of juicy nuggets and gems that I drop there, come hang out with my friends, Chad, and Matt. I just want to talk with you guys and vibe with you, I want you to have the time of your life in your relationship, that is my goal. My goal is for everybody to have a healthy, abundant, beautiful, and bodacious relationship where you are having the time of your life.

Lior: Absolutely, thank you again so much! I am so excited, OMG! You are so awesome; I know that you will do great things in the future.

Ms. Cassandra: I can tell from the vibes that you are the friend in my head (we are like the sisters in Color Purple, Celie, and Nettie, as she demonstrates the famous hand clap that they share whenever they part ways, to which Lior laughs at).

Lior: I will definitely be subscribing to that YouTube channel. You have a wonderful evening and thank again so much

Ms. Cassandra: You are welcome and thank you guys for joining us.

Lior: Thank you good night!

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