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The 3 Attachment Styles in Relationships

Relationships and finally finding your person is a beautiful thing. However, there are ways to determine if your relationship is healthy or not which comes with establishing boundaries early on and knowing each other’s attachment style.

Your attachment style is different from your love language. Your love language is how to cater to each other’s needs by knowing how they receive love. An attachment style is all about your clinginess to the relationship.

Some may be pretty insecure and clingy and not even realize it. Here are 3 attachment styles:

  1. Avoidant: This person loves their independence. They want to be self-sufficient and they do not want you to get too close to them. This person fails at being completely vulnerable. If you’re with this type of person, just know that there may always be some unseen parts about him or her.

  2. Anxious. This person wants to be close to you but that same time gets anxiety. They need reassurance that you care. Sometimes these people have been hurt in the past and have a hard time trusting others, so they need that extra boost in relationships in order to feel secure.

  3. Secure. You trust your partner. You don’t need to be up under them 24/7. You value each other’s independence and also value the relationship. You have faith that the other person won’t leave you. You are completely vulnerable with your partner. Transparency isn’t an issue.

The key is to be secure in your relationship. It’s awesome to do couple things and see each other on a consistent basis, but just remember that you both are individuals first that are coming together to combine your personalities. You don’t alter or tale on the other person’s traits.

Don’t forget your friends and family members when you enter in a relationship or marriage. Guy time and girl time is still very much needed both as a single person and committed/married person.

If you struggle with being an avoidant or anxious person, we offer relationship healing to get your relationship into that healthy space.

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